Friday, February 20, 2009

Mixed Emotions 2

The below post was posted by Jacob ( aka Hurly ). Sorry about the confusion. Love you all.

Mixed emotions

I want to personally thank each one of the parents for the warm welcome home that you gave us last night, it was very much needed after the 3 long, physically and emotionally taxing plane flights. Coming home is different, at least for me, I am happy to be home and see my family, but I fell in love, and love is hard to leave. I had all these opinions and personals views of life and life with God, and God as politely told me to look at it His way. So its time to rebuild.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bitter Sweet

This is our last day in Africa. We are all sad to be leaving, but happy to be coming home to share our wonderful experience with you all. God has done amazing things here during our short but powerful trip, and has touched many lives through us. We love you all and please keep us in your prayers during our travels back home.

P.S. We went bungee jumping today, it was super gnarly, :). God bless, and love you all!

-Jake Thibodeau ( aka Hurly )

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coming home from Joshs View

Hello everyone this is the day before our final day in Africa. I think the universal thought of everyone is that we love everyone at home, but we don't want to come home! Well except for the leaders. Because they all want to see all of there familys! There were a lot of really cool things God is doing such as: A bunch of the group got baptized in the Nile River which was really cool! Though we want to see everyone, and eventually talk about it. It is so much stuff to process!!! So I think the thing that I would say to all who are waiting to see us give us grace. Because we saw and experienced a lot of stuff!!!! But I think that even though we don't really want to come home we are in the season that God has placed us in for now!!! Love Yall We Will See You SOON!!!
Peace,and Blessings to you!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Greetings everyone from Uganda!

This is Leah and I'm very excited to finally have the opportunity to write on the blog. I can't write much because of time but I'll try and write from the heart and what's been happening lately. I was one of the nine that stayed the night at the orphanage (which they would rather have us call a village) what a blessing though! Many of us, mostly the girls were worried because there weren't exactly conviences there that we had at the hotel we're staying at. We prayed and we all could agree that was probably one of the most life changing experiences. While the children ate their dinner we ate a dinner that consisted of ground peanuts, bananas, onions, and tomatoes. All mushed together. Sounds good right?! Well we prayed and ate it giving thanks we even had a dinner and suprisingly many of us had seconds. That night we heard singing and the drums so we ran to their church and we joined in for the worship time. I have never felt the Holy Spirit like that before in my life. It was absolutely AMAZING! The girls danced their hearts out while singinging, not just singing though, they actually meant every word they said. I'm sure us white girls looked funny joining in but we enjoyed every moment. After a few upbeat songs, they changed to a slower pace and everyone in the room closed their eyes and focused on God. To watch the children worship with all of their being, some on the floor crying. It was such a blessing and completely ministered to me as well as putting a deeper desire for the love they have for God. The pastor spoke and wanted to invite the Holy Spirit to just come and do what he wanted. As he went around praying for the children they would fall like dominoes under the spirit just out. Each one acted out in their own way. Some were crying, some were laughing, some were just at peace laying there. Many had visions and shared what God had told them to our leaders. As the preacher began to do his sermon, some were still manifesting in the spirit and were moved to other rooms, but one of my favorite things he said was, "you can't stop the work of the holy spirit" it's so true! Eventually it got quiet and I was amazed to see these children who had been up since four and it was now nine at night just totally in tune with the spirit soaking up everything the pastor had to say. Well, I guess I shared my highlight and not the lowlight, which was leaving last night. I want to encourage you about our trip, but do pray for comfort for some of us as we are deeply missing the children that have now completely changed our lives. We love and miss you all. Blessings and may God minister to you as you read about our trip and as some of you hear about it when we get back. Much love.

Leah Volstad

Friday, February 13, 2009

This is Randy comming to you live from Uganda. We have been having a vary good time here. Nine of us actually stayed in the Village (the school the orphanes stay at) last night. My son Garrett being one of them in fact all the kids stayed there. I can't wait to see them in an hour or three(that's Uganda timing for you) to see how they did. I and Tayce chickened out because there are no fans, I guess you can say i'm a little wimpy. When we returned yesterday we had the new soccer and volleyballs with us we took 3 of them out and the kids had a blast. Have you ever tried to play goaly with 20 kids kicking three soccer balls at you, well let me tell you it was vary tiring. All 13 of us seem to be getting real close to the kids. Our youth group kids have been amzing. I mean they just know exactly what the kids want, despite the language differences etc. We aldults are both proud and blessed to witness Gods love flowing through our youth. Keep praying for strength for each one of us because by the end of the day we are worn out. Well I got to go now, so thank all of you for your prayers and we love each and every one of you vary much.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Greetings from Uganda

Hello friends.
Today will be our second day going to the village and I couldn't be any happier. Yesterday we visited the orphans and we were totally blessed. When we drove up to the fence all the kids came running and screaming to greet us. The culture here is very loving and so everyone hugs you when they say hello. I hugged so many kids yesterday that it could last me a lifetime. The joy that these kids have is contagious and while we play with them, I can't help being filled with the joy of the Lord. We played a bunch of games with the kids and taught them some songs, but most of the time they just laughed at us. The kids in the village are very intelligent. One boy named Moses wanted to play with my camera and he figured out how to do everything on the camera. He was placing kids in poses and was taking pictures of everyone there. I just call him my personal photographer. Some of the kids have already climbed into our hearts, and taken over. We are going to the village in a little bit and the majority of our group will be staying over night. We are trying to immerse ourselves into the culture as much as we can by trying new things.
The culture here is very laid back and lovely. When we go to dinner it takes about 2 hours to get our food. We love it. There is no agenda, no rush, no hurry. Every person here is beautiful and kind. I have never seen so many beautiful people in one place. It is a whole new wonderful world over here. I hope that you are experiencing the Holy Spirit daily and my prayer is that the Lord will interrupt your lives. I hope that from our experiences you will be changed as well.
We love you all and miss you too.
Love always,
Rachel Wietbrock