Friday, February 13, 2009

This is Randy comming to you live from Uganda. We have been having a vary good time here. Nine of us actually stayed in the Village (the school the orphanes stay at) last night. My son Garrett being one of them in fact all the kids stayed there. I can't wait to see them in an hour or three(that's Uganda timing for you) to see how they did. I and Tayce chickened out because there are no fans, I guess you can say i'm a little wimpy. When we returned yesterday we had the new soccer and volleyballs with us we took 3 of them out and the kids had a blast. Have you ever tried to play goaly with 20 kids kicking three soccer balls at you, well let me tell you it was vary tiring. All 13 of us seem to be getting real close to the kids. Our youth group kids have been amzing. I mean they just know exactly what the kids want, despite the language differences etc. We aldults are both proud and blessed to witness Gods love flowing through our youth. Keep praying for strength for each one of us because by the end of the day we are worn out. Well I got to go now, so thank all of you for your prayers and we love each and every one of you vary much.


  1. Hi all. This is Mike from Uganda. Best way to say hi to all is through comments. We are all doing well. Cant wait to see you all and share whats going on here. Love to Joy and all my kids. You are so precious to me> Blessings to all in chico from Uganda.


  2. Good work Uganda team, I do remember how exhausting each day was and yet His mercies were truly new every morning!!! I can hear in your written words that same source of new strength as love wells up for those kids and a new day begins with new strength. God bless you all and keep you. Shar Curry

  3. Hello team! Thanks for keeping us informed so we can experience just a "taste" of what you get to live. I thank God for your willingness to serve, to love and to grow! As I prayed for you today the Lord reminded me that not only are you serving but you will be receiving from these special, wonderful and valued people. It will be fun to hear your lessons learned. For this journey...may you be filled with the Holy Spirit and grown deeper in love with Jesus. Jesus said, "The most important commandments are to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and with all your strength. The second is to Love your neighbor as yourself." Much love and prayer, Fran Anderson

    PS... Hi Michelle, we love and miss you! Praying for you all daily.

  4. Shannon,
    Im in New Mexico visiting Ryan. I had a wonderful time at dinner last night with Ryan and his friends. Ryan invited his team to join us for dinner in the chow hall. They are a very close knit group! It was good to see Ryan has a "band of brothers". They shared many stories and we laughed a lot. They enjoyed having a "mom" around. Tomorrow night the team is taking me to their favorite Mexican restaurant. A "hole in the wall" they discovered.
    Ryan has his last EMT exam this morning. The National EMT Registry. They have to pass to continue on. He will find out tonight. I'll let you know.
    Can't wait to hear what is was like spending the night at the orphange. Make sure you keep your journal up so that you remember all the "God Kisses" once you are home.
    Has anyone commented about the "jewlery" on your teeth?
    Remember to take your Maleria Pills and drink your Mona Vie.
    Love you Shannon and praying that God renews your strength daily.

  5. Yeah team for spending the night @ the Orphanage! You gave up comfort to really experience their reality. God bless you all. You are missing some cold and wet weather here. I know that you are all having a great time and that God is working in you and through you. I know this because this team is so covered in prayer it is amazing. People are prayer for you at all hours. People are fasting for you. People are seeking God on your behalf that you would have an eternal impact on those you encounter as well as yourselves.

    As a mommy and a nurse, I encourage every one of you to drink lots of fluids and get lots of rest so that you keep your immune system happy.

    Hi Mike! Love you beyond words and miss you so much it hurts. I got your emails and emailed you back!

    God bless you all and watch over each and every one of you.

  6. Hey,
    It sounds like ya'll are having a wonderful time.Josh how was it to sleep at the ophanage? We are prayin for ya'll and can't wait to hear from ya and see the pictures. Dad said you could bring home a "little" monkey if you can catch one.haha NOT!Don't forget your pills and journaling also.Have you seen any other animals yet? or anything you have wanted to see for a long time?Just have fun!!Love you son..Dad

  7. Happy Valentines to all of you!

    i love you bubba! how are you? are you having fun with the kids? take lots of pictures. miss you! love cassady

  8. I'm jealous and delighted. I'm sure all who stayed at the orphanage overnight blessed beyond words the children living there, and at the same time you were blessed in return.

    Randy, remember that Advil is your friend after a good hard soccer game.

    Mike, don't forget the monkey you promised me :-)

  9. Man I'm just so stinking excited for all of you and proud of the way you're loving and being the hands and feet of Jesus. We prayed some very specific things at youth group and I'm excited to see how the Lord answers them.

  10. Hey Shannon it sounds like your having a great time. How was staying the night in the orphanage.... I bet it was eye opening along with your whole trip so far. Anyways keep up the good work and I can't wait to see you when you get back. -Ev

  11. Hey shannon!
    I tried to send you a comment a few days ago but it kept asking for some profile stuff that i didnt have, so i sent you emails instead. Apparently you cant get emails, lame. Anyway , now im leaving a comment on moms profile, cuz shes visiting me right now.
    I cant believe your in Africa, thats all sorts of craziness. I bet your having an amazing experience, swinging with the monkeys and chillin with the africans. Have you taken any cool pictures? I miss you shannon, i hope your enjoying yourself. love you. ryan

  12. hey shan,
    just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing. Im still hanging with mom and we just wanted to check in. I hope your doing well and I really miss you. If its not too much trouble i would like you to bring me back a pigmy monkey, not a howler, a pigmy. I want to put it in my pocket and teach it to do tricks and steal food and what not. Mom tells me that your trip was a monkey catching one, so if thats what your doing, might as well get me one too. Thanks sis! love ya and miss you.
    PS, mom would like a scarf, probably a monkey skin scarf, but whatever works

  13. christy, your sisters a fox, rarrr

  14. hey girls, I just want you to know that Ryan wrote that last post, bozo.
    Love you!
