Thursday, February 12, 2009

Greetings from Uganda

Hello friends.
Today will be our second day going to the village and I couldn't be any happier. Yesterday we visited the orphans and we were totally blessed. When we drove up to the fence all the kids came running and screaming to greet us. The culture here is very loving and so everyone hugs you when they say hello. I hugged so many kids yesterday that it could last me a lifetime. The joy that these kids have is contagious and while we play with them, I can't help being filled with the joy of the Lord. We played a bunch of games with the kids and taught them some songs, but most of the time they just laughed at us. The kids in the village are very intelligent. One boy named Moses wanted to play with my camera and he figured out how to do everything on the camera. He was placing kids in poses and was taking pictures of everyone there. I just call him my personal photographer. Some of the kids have already climbed into our hearts, and taken over. We are going to the village in a little bit and the majority of our group will be staying over night. We are trying to immerse ourselves into the culture as much as we can by trying new things.
The culture here is very laid back and lovely. When we go to dinner it takes about 2 hours to get our food. We love it. There is no agenda, no rush, no hurry. Every person here is beautiful and kind. I have never seen so many beautiful people in one place. It is a whole new wonderful world over here. I hope that you are experiencing the Holy Spirit daily and my prayer is that the Lord will interrupt your lives. I hope that from our experiences you will be changed as well.
We love you all and miss you too.
Love always,
Rachel Wietbrock


  1. How fun! Thank you for sharing from your hearts. Kids are so prescious and full of lots of things to teach us. What are some of the teams specific prayer requests today?
    Love, Wen

  2. What a blessing your note is to all of us! As dad read your note I sensed the Holy Spirit come into the room. He is so delighted with all of you and what you are giving to these kids. We are praying for you all and so blessed to hear God is answering our prayers. We can't wait to receive all you have to bring back to us. We are so proud of all of you for walking in the freedom of the Lord and immersing yourself fully in the culture. Love to you all. We miss you so much Skip. Know you are so loved and adored. XOXO Mom, Dad and Katie PS Mike and Amy and Don and Heathersay hi and send their love!!

  3. I love this! The love in this culture inspires me to do the same. Thank you for opening up your heart and sharing your story!
