Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bitter Sweet

This is our last day in Africa. We are all sad to be leaving, but happy to be coming home to share our wonderful experience with you all. God has done amazing things here during our short but powerful trip, and has touched many lives through us. We love you all and please keep us in your prayers during our travels back home.

P.S. We went bungee jumping today, it was super gnarly, :). God bless, and love you all!

-Jake Thibodeau ( aka Hurly )

1 comment:

  1. I'm so blessed to read your thoughts and the highlights - can't wait for more, Jake! I am anticipating the annointing you will carry home with you and the ways you will bless the church here as you return with all the blessings that have been poured out on and through you! Blessings to each of you for how you have given of yourselves - and as you prepare to give more as you share with us! Praying for safe travels, gentle re-entry, and no jet-lag! Love you all!
