Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coming home from Joshs View

Hello everyone this is the day before our final day in Africa. I think the universal thought of everyone is that we love everyone at home, but we don't want to come home! Well except for the leaders. Because they all want to see all of there familys! There were a lot of really cool things God is doing such as: A bunch of the group got baptized in the Nile River which was really cool! Though we want to see everyone, and eventually talk about it. It is so much stuff to process!!! So I think the thing that I would say to all who are waiting to see us give us grace. Because we saw and experienced a lot of stuff!!!! But I think that even though we don't really want to come home we are in the season that God has placed us in for now!!! Love Yall We Will See You SOON!!!
Peace,and Blessings to you!!!


  1. Well, I say Glory to God!!! I am excited to hear that our prayers were answered, that all of you would be mightily touched by God on this trip. I know God will supply us,with the Grace, necessary to give each one of you time to process what he has done in each of you. I praise God that you were open to his moving and will be glad to have all of you home! I Love You...Pops

  2. hey bubba i ,miss you and will be glad to see you love you. cassady, mom

  3. Shannon! Wow only one more day. That must stink having to leave after all you have experienced and are doing. Yet you must be a little happy to see your family and friends back here. Have a great rest of the trip and I can't wait to see you :). - Ev
