Sunday, February 15, 2009

Greetings everyone from Uganda!

This is Leah and I'm very excited to finally have the opportunity to write on the blog. I can't write much because of time but I'll try and write from the heart and what's been happening lately. I was one of the nine that stayed the night at the orphanage (which they would rather have us call a village) what a blessing though! Many of us, mostly the girls were worried because there weren't exactly conviences there that we had at the hotel we're staying at. We prayed and we all could agree that was probably one of the most life changing experiences. While the children ate their dinner we ate a dinner that consisted of ground peanuts, bananas, onions, and tomatoes. All mushed together. Sounds good right?! Well we prayed and ate it giving thanks we even had a dinner and suprisingly many of us had seconds. That night we heard singing and the drums so we ran to their church and we joined in for the worship time. I have never felt the Holy Spirit like that before in my life. It was absolutely AMAZING! The girls danced their hearts out while singinging, not just singing though, they actually meant every word they said. I'm sure us white girls looked funny joining in but we enjoyed every moment. After a few upbeat songs, they changed to a slower pace and everyone in the room closed their eyes and focused on God. To watch the children worship with all of their being, some on the floor crying. It was such a blessing and completely ministered to me as well as putting a deeper desire for the love they have for God. The pastor spoke and wanted to invite the Holy Spirit to just come and do what he wanted. As he went around praying for the children they would fall like dominoes under the spirit just out. Each one acted out in their own way. Some were crying, some were laughing, some were just at peace laying there. Many had visions and shared what God had told them to our leaders. As the preacher began to do his sermon, some were still manifesting in the spirit and were moved to other rooms, but one of my favorite things he said was, "you can't stop the work of the holy spirit" it's so true! Eventually it got quiet and I was amazed to see these children who had been up since four and it was now nine at night just totally in tune with the spirit soaking up everything the pastor had to say. Well, I guess I shared my highlight and not the lowlight, which was leaving last night. I want to encourage you about our trip, but do pray for comfort for some of us as we are deeply missing the children that have now completely changed our lives. We love and miss you all. Blessings and may God minister to you as you read about our trip and as some of you hear about it when we get back. Much love.

Leah Volstad


  1. Just wondering if you who've seen the possibilities of Children SOLD OUT for God and what that looks like, pray about possibly being involved in some capacity with the Children in the Hood? Could you immagine our kids experiencing God like that here in America? We're so close. Isn't it amazing how much they teach us when we think we're going there to give to them?! So blessed by that blog Leah!

    Jake, Thank you so much for your e-mail. It really meant a lot to hear directly from you. I am just so amazed watching God transform you and getting to know you as that person!
    Love you all and have been continually praying for you.
    Love, Wendy

  2. WOW! Oh, to be as these little ones! Lord, may we all come to total abandonment to you and you alone. Thank you team for sharing and giving us a new perspective. Blessings and favor continue to lead the way. Praying for continually, Debbie

  3. How cool Leah!! That is so amazing to hear about kids living such a life for God!! And no you can't stop the work of the holy spirit!! Hallelujah!! Blessings on you all!! Stay strong and love well!!

  4. WOW!!
    This is Shawn from Teen Challenge in Oklahoma. I have been following what you all are doing for the Lord on this blog. I have tears in my eyes as I am writing this. GOD IS SOOOOOO GOOD!
    I am praying for all of you but especially you Jake. Shanon and I love you man. You are an inspiration to many. I can just see those kids running around with you and hear you laugh.
    Keep showin' Jesus to the world brother!
