Friday, February 6, 2009

The Team and Prayer Points

With a little less than 2 days to go it might be good to know who are team is and some specific prayer requests we have right now.

Meet The Team:

Students: Josh Harden (PV), Leah Volstad (PV), Garrett Hill (PV), Rachel Wietbrock (Chico), Christy Masterson (Chico), Shannon Penne (PV) and Jake Thibodeau (Home School).

Leaders: Zack Curry, Jenn Ronconi, Mike Mendon, Randy Hill, Tayce Hill and Michelle Anderson.

Prayer Points
• Safe travel and safety throughout the trip
- No problems with flights or connections
• Health throughout the trip
• For God to prepare our hearts and use us to bring his tangible love to the children
we will be ministering to.
• Good team dynamics
• Divine appointments wherever we go


  1. My heart has never left Africa or the kids there... I know everyone will have an amazing time!! My prayers are with you every day. Give Kateh a big hug from me!

    Melinda/Mirembe :)

  2. I miss you all already. I know that God has fantastic things in store for all of you, and I can not wait to hear the stories. I wish that i could be there with you!

    Chelsea ;)

  3. I need an address or coordinates of the Orphanage or other significant places where you are. I am trying to "Google Earth" you and I can't find you!

  4. you guys are in the prayers of my heart day and night. ive been praying for safety, protection, and courage. also been praying against jet lag... i know how terrible that can be when you are in a 10+ hour timezone difference. may the lord bless you and show you all the insatiable love he has towards the orphan children.
    -chris iufer

  5. Hey guys!!
    Hope you are all having a wonderful time in Africa! May God bless you all richly!

    Leah I love you Happy valentines day!!!

    Lydia Volstad
