Friday, January 30, 2009

2 days until we go!

Regenerate (high school ministry of Neighborhood Church) is partnering with the Uganda Orphans Fund (UOF) to love on orphaned children. Presently, there are nearly two million HIV/Aids orphans in Uganda. It is estimated there will be 8 to 10 million orphans in ten years, the result of currently infected parents succumbing to the disease. The UOF has built over 25 individual homes.

The objective of this trip is to visit the existing homes and bring supplies (books, clothes, sports) and love. Our team will be spending the majority of the trip visiting three specific homes and the village that has recently been built by the UOF that includes two homes, a school and a medical clinic. For more information on the Uganda Orphans Fund go to

Join with us on our adventure and check out our blog daily for updates, prayer request and pictures from different members of our team. You can leave comments and be with us in spirit as God does some awesome things. Stay tuned for more...!


  1. That is a great picture of the team there.

  2. We are going to Africa! I want to thank all the family, friends, spouses and sponsors that have made this trip possible. You'll never know how much you have touched us and the world. Pray for us and then pray again.

  3. Papa and the team-
    I am so excited for you! I know that you will have some amazing experiences and ecounters- creating memories that will stay with for the rest of your lives. My prayer for you is this- safe travel, that you would be spiritually stretched, and that God would touch you in a new way.

  4. Looking forward to partnering with you in prayer. Hope you all had fun and easy flights and everything made it with you! Take it easy your first day in Uganda! Hugs and kisses to you all; especially the bald one!

  5. Hi Zack and team!

    I'll be praying for you and watching your progress. Karoline will also be praying, and she has been there, so knows what you are experiencing.
    Blessings on you and know that your Heavenly Father is pleased...(Mat. 25:40).


  6. Hey! Hope all are doin well. Miss ya Big Country but we know that God has a BIG plan for you and the team while your there. We are anxious to hear from ya'll. Love ya! Mom, Dad and Cassady

    hey bubba, miss and love ya! cassady faith harden
