Monday, February 9, 2009

We are here!

Hello everyone!

We made it to Uganda safe and sound last night at 9PM in Entebbe. Everyone was a little sleep deprived but spirits were high. Duncan met us at the airport and we loaded up all of our gear (26 suitecases) and drove to a hotel to stay the night in Entebbe. We all got something to eat and got some much needed rest after over 28 hours of travel. This morning we got up and had an English breakfast and spent some time looking around. The place we are staying at is right on the shore of Lake Victoria. Josh Harden was really excited to see all the monkeys that were out this morning.

The plan for today is to have a little meeting this morning so Duncan and his friend from Saint Louis can pray for the team and do a little orientation. After that a bus will come and pick us up to drive to Jinja (where we will be staying while we are here). On the way we will stop in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, to change some money (the curencey here is shillings) and on our way to Jinja will be making a stop for my favorite, chicken and goat on a stick. The main goal for the day is getting settled in and to get some rest. Tomorrow we will visit our first home!!!!

Thank you so much for your prayers! Everyone is doing well and is ready to go. Now that we will have access to the intranet we will be posting updates regularly. Be sure to leave a comment and stay tuned.

Wealaba (goodbye)

Zack Curry


  1. YAHOO! Glad to hear you are finally on the ground. I am sure there are plenty of plane stories! Hey team I want you to know my prayer for you is that God reveals Himself to you in extradordinary ways. That you will not be the same. That God plants a "sloppy wet kiss" on each one of you. Gods going to use you each one of you in ways you didnt think possible. So buckle up and be ready to be used by God!!
    Also be ready to receive becasue there is an out pouring coming your way!
    GO TEAM!

  2. Yah so happy you all made it safely. The travel part always makes for some good laughs later on. While you are so excited and waiting for the "ministry" part remember that you can be ministering to eachother and building eachother up so that there's much to give when you're visiting the homes. Looking forward to hearing all the stories. Love and prayers, Wendy

  3. Good Morning Shaggy,
    Love you past China and now past AFRICA!! Check your email.

  4. Have fun all of you! God will answer your prayers in ways you have not even imagined. He is anticipating your needs and orchestrating your every move. You will have so much fun and blessings that you will not even know that you are ministering! I love you Mike and we miss you so much. The rabbit died...

  5. Leah we miss you so much! Make sure to drink enough water, Tracy thought your symptoms were dehydration. Wish we could see you there. I know you are falling in love with the kids and country!
    Hi Leah!! I hope your having a great time in africa!!! I miss you soooooooo much. I cry almost every night! Hope you get lots of pictures and have the most amazing time of your life!! love you!!! Lydia

  6. Hey team,
    Its lunch time and I am thinking about goat on a stick!! How was it?

  7. Glad you all are there safely. I've been praying a ton and have given up junk food/coffee and treats along with you guys. I am so excited to hear stories. Love you all. Wish I could experience this with you. Let me know if there are any specifics to share at youth group tomorrow night. Give the children a hug and a monkey a high five from me.

  8. I agree with Amy...

    I want a monkey to high five me...or just a monkey.
    Glad you guys are rockin' it.

  9. Hey! I'm so glad to hear ya'll made it. And...No Josh you can't bring a monkey home we have enough of them in our family. I pray that the Holy Spirit will fall fresh on each one of you while your there ministering to the kids and their families. Love and MISS ya Big Country!

    I love ya Bubba! thanks for the gum last night from your room.

  10. Mike, you are gonna be a grandpa and not a grandma! Your first grandson! David Anthony Massee is due to arrive in July.

  11. Hello team! So glad you have this opportunity so we can keep up with where you are, what you are doing and how we can pray! Thanks for setting this up Zack and team! May God bless and keep you and make his face shine on you and give you peace!

    Hello Michelle, we love and miss you!


  12. Hey Shannon its Evan :) It sounds like your having a great experience! Im glad you made it ok and everything and im sooooo sorry i missed your call... :( well keep your head up and have a blast. Later Guinny :)


  13. Hey Leah!! Hope your not running out of tears! We love and miss you tons! Can't wait to see you in about 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love to the group too!

