Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hey everybody~
just wanted to give everyone a little bit of info on whats been going on overe here on the other side of the world :)
we visited a village yesterday wich had a bunch of orphans living there. We made grass necklaces with them... taught them the hokie pokie, ring around the rosie, head shoulders knees and toes, red light green light and we also played follow the leader too. It is so much fun to see the joy on their faces.. even if they dont have much, they are greatful for what they have and are always smiling and laughing. There are kids of all ages there, anywere from a couple of months up to teens. They are all so shy and timid, and turn away when you talk to them... but once you gain their trust, they are jumping all over you... literally. lol... its so relaxing to just sit in the grass with around 10 or 15 kids sitting on and around you, listeneing to you talk and playing around with them... the littler ones like it when you set two or three of them on your lap and bounce them up and down until they almost fall off from laughing so hard.... they are all so ticklish too. Its been such an amazing time and we have only been here for three days! I cant wait for the rest of our trip and spending more time with the kids. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

~Shannon Nicole Penne


  1. Shannon - so glad to hear you are digging right in... digger! keep your heart and spirit open. Mom is on her way to see ryan in New Mexico and i am going to class, again. i am praying for all of you! love, dad

  2. shag- it sounds like you guys are having an amazing time. I got your 2 voicemails and am bummed i missed your calls. mom is home now and had a great time with Ryan in NM. how many people get to say that they were baptised in the Nile River? not many. keep pressing in and letting God into your heart and life in deeper ways. love you, dad
