Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fun in Uganda

So glad that i can get a chance to tell you what i have been up to. It is so amazing here and so peaceful. We spent our first night in a town called Entebbe where we slept at a really nice hotel. In the morning a few of us girls went out by the water and and spent some time quiet time. It was the perfect place to just rest and ask the Lord what He wanted to do on this trip.
We then went and met up with Duncan who is the head person with Uganda Orphans fund. We had an awesome prayer time with him and his group, which lead to our team praying for some of the workers at the hotel. It was such a time of blessing. I can really see our kids walking in their gifts. I believe God is going to do some amazing things on this trip. Our kids are having a blast. They are really enjoying the food and culture all around us. Yesterday on our way to Jinga we pulled over and had chicken and goat on a stick. It was a little crazy but very good. We had a two hour drive to get to Jinga so there was lots to see. Last night we got to eat at a place called 2 friends and it was great. Its funny i have see a lot of Italian food on their menus.
Today we are in Jinga getting ready to visit our first village. I am so exited. There is much anticipation to get there. Today we will be bringing only medical supplies and candy. Gotta have the candy. They just love that!!! We all feel so blessed to be here and experience such an amazing adventure. For all of you that were praying for our health it has been amazing so far. We have all stayed health. Oh and my stomach feels great mom!!! Well please continue to keep us in your prayers. Thanks so much and we will talk to ya soon.

Here are are few words we have been learning. Well we are spelling them how they sound.
webale- thank you
cabinabo- your welcome
oliotie- hello
gojababa- hold on to the father
kabong-ka-ko- you say this when you pound their fist with yours
coco- chicken
mumbuzi- goat
Love you all!!


  1. Wow it sounds like you are having fun. I am not too sure that chicken and goat on a stick sounds very appealing, but who knows, I can't judge something that I have never tried. I am glad to hear that you all made it there safely and that none of you are sick. That is really great news and just another example of Gods love for all of you, and what you are doing there.

    Nothing too terribly interesting is happening back here at home, at least not from my perspective. There is a group of single college students that is going to get together on Valentines day and just have fun so I guess that is something.

    Well I miss you all, as does everyone else who knows that you are gone and what you are doing. You will continue to be in my prayers, and I can not wait to hear more about what is happening.

    Oh and thank you for the call last night dad. That really made my evening and even though I ended up alone last night, I slept like a baby. I can not wait to hear from the family again!

    Love you (Uganda Team),
    Chelsea Hill

  2. good morning bubba,whats the weather like there?
    hope you have a good today! i love you! cassady

    Glad to hear that everyone is feelin ok. We are still praying for ya'll and hope that today will be a great day! love ya, Mom

  3. Shannon,
    I see you are learning to speak the language. What do they think about your accent? Any responses like you received in China?
    Im leaving tomorrow to visit Ryan for his BDay. Aunt Roseanne and Uncle Chris are going to stay at the house and watch Smokey for you :)
    Shag, know that I am praying and thinking about you and the team daily.......that you and the team will experience God like you never have before. This team was chosen for this time...anixious to hear the stories. Keep your journal up and remember to drink your Mona Vie.
    Love you Shannon

  4. The adventure begins... Know that you are covered in prayer and with God's annointing and gifting on each and every one of you.

    Have a great time in the village. Count the "outies" you see. Hug a village child for me!

  5. Hooray for good heath and happy tummies! So glad everything is going smoothly so far. What an amazing opportunity. Looking forward to seeing the photos when you get back.

    From Nat, Hi Uncle Jake. Have a good time! We love you!

  6. Hey all. Glad you made it there safely. It is such an amazing place. Two things the kids really love is soccer and follow the leader. Have fun. Wish Grace and I were there with you all. Don't forget to try the chipati. It's amazing. I'll be praying for you all. Love you Ace.

  7. Hello team!
    I can picture you there loving those kids, praying for those in need. I am picturing miracles also so go God! We miss you tons Leah, I loved hearing your voice! love, mom (barb volstad)

  8. Hey leah! It was great hearing from you!! Hope your having a great time and I cant wait to see you when you come back!! Love you! Lydia

  9. My oh my I am reliving the experience every word you write. Bless you all in this adventure with Jesus! Love, Shar Curry

  10. Hi guys - glad to hear you made it safely. Shannon, be engaged in what God is doing there!
    Love you, Dad

  11. Praying God will open your hearts to see him and his creation in new ways, that your hearts will expand and you will be gripped by a love for him and his children that will overwhelm you, that his presence will overwhelm you again and again! You're on my heart in my prayers continually! Bernitta

  12. Praying for God's fire to come inside you individually and as a team. To burn up everything that is not Him and to shine through you in such a way that nothing can stand in His way. You being his vessels get to go along for the ride. Show them Your heart; show them Your ways; show them Your glory! Fire fall down; fire fall down on them we pray." What a dynamic group of people you are.

    Jake, You are missed here. I know you're in good hands and God is doing awesome stuff in your heart even when you can't see it. Keep worshiping incorporating the habit of rehursing His goodness to you and to others. Never stop paying attention to what God is doing for you and remembering over and over. Love you, Sis

  13. Chelsea just know your Mom and I are talking and praying for you each day. In fact your mom talks about you so much one of the kids made you something. We love you buches and bunches.

  14. Bless you all! How I wish I could be there too (maybe next time) but I am there in spirit. My prayers are continually going up to heaven for you all. "I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray." Psalm 17:6
    Love, Debbie
